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Kootenay Gambling Support is a collaboration of service providers that serve the areas of the Kootenay Region including Cranbrook, Creston, Nelson, Fernie, Invermere, Golden, Castlegar and surrounding communities. We provide resources for people experiencing problems associated with gambling. All services are free and confidential for any resident of BC.
Our help and assistance is available If you are struggling with gambling, or if you concerned about a friend, family member or loved one's gambling behaviour.
Lowering Barriers
Provide creative options for language and geographic barriers.
Offering Compassion
When people feel connected & accepted, risk decreases.
Creating Safety
Build trust & provide culturally relevant services.
Offering Choices
Success is defined by the client, people know their own needs.
Honoring Truth & Reconciliaton
Acknowledging the impacts of colonisation; increase cultural safety through indigenous workers.
Building Relationships
The helping relationship is built on choice and collaboration.
Finding Creative Solutions
Support people to expand their tool box of resources.
Focusing on Strengths
Celebrate the skills, talents & values that people have.
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